Articulating Digit(s) and Prosthetic Hands - Correct Coding - Revised

HCPCS code L6026 (TRANSCARPAL/METACARPAL OR PARTIAL HAND DISARTICULATION PROSTHESIS, EXTERNAL POWER, SELF-SUSPENDED, INNER SOCKET WITH REMOVABLE FOREARM SECTION, ELECTRODES AND CABLES, TWO BATTERIES, CHARGER, MYOELECTRIC CONTROL OF TERMINAL DEVICE, EXCLUDES TERMINAL DEVICE(S)) describes a base code for a transcarpal/metacarpal or a partial hand disarticulation, myoelectric-controlled prosthesis which includes all necessary components besides the terminal device.

Read the complete advisory article, Articulating Digit(s) and Prosthetic Hands - Correct Coding – Revised.

Last Updated: 11/17/2021